Monday, January 31, 2011

Cupcake Cooking

Okay... so lately I have been in the cooking mood. I'm not really sure why! The same thing happened to my sisters when they got to be my age and I begin to wonder if it has something to do with turning 21!

But anyway... I was searching for recipes online and found that there's this website and it is AMAZING! :) They have so many recipes its not even funny! But my favorite part is the fact that you get to have your own "Recipe Box." It's cool because you will find certain recipes and then save them to your own personal box (sorted into categories of course) and not only that but you can also customize your settings to where it can cut the serving size in half (for smaller families) or double it (for larger gatherings) and it will automatically edit the recipe for you. This is excellent for those of us who aren't very good at math! :) Also, it has a shopping list setting so you can plan your menu for the entire week, find the "top-rated" recipes for that menu and then add all the ingredients to your "shopping list" and print it off! All on one site! :) I am officially addicted! Well, I have included some really adorable cupcake designs I found on the website but don't get intimidated! They rate recipes by easy, intermediate, or difficult so that you know what you're getting yourself in to! I just thought these were adorable and wanted to share!!!

Happy Cooking to You and Yours!!!!!!

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